Testimonials & References

“I enjoy nothing more than happy customers and motivated participants.“


„Katja Porsch has thrilled our audience with her exciting and energetic performances and has sparked the fire in them, to approach the future positively and courageously.”

» Louis Krebser, Geschäftsführer | CEO, Krebser AG

„Plenty of applause; feel inspired with confidence to do future business deals. A highly professional, entertaining, and exciting presentation. “

» Jan Sedelies, Redakteur Redaktionsmarketing, Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung

„That was one of the best sales lectures. Really practical and also very vividly presented – my compliment. “

» Günter Apeltauer, Generalbevollmächtigter Volksbank Neckartal

„This rather dry topic was implemented very refreshingly and presented in a very motivating and entertaining manner – a great experience!”

» Sven Neugebauer – StieberDruck GmbH

„Your presentation was much inspiring and has provoked some thoughts in me, which we sadly no longer allow surfacing while doing routine business. We view much as given and take it for granted, although this is far from the truth and we have to work for it daily. Courage, willingness to take risks, and accept its consequences are sadly not very prominent. I admire your fighting spirit, your determination, and your courage to muddle through life with all its turning points and obstacles and to always find a way out – even if it is a dead-end.“

» Rita Schöbel, Sachsenverlag

„A very engaging and informative training course – it was a competent, relaxed, and interesting presentation. Rarely have I listened to such a great talk. “

» Kathrin Senn – Bodensee Medienzentrum

„Probably the most honest motivational speaker in Germany“

» Radio eins

„Refreshing, not overpowering … very entertaining. Can be immediately implemented. “

» Bernd Maus – der Ruhstandsplaner

„Katja Porsch has motivated us to deal with what „to do“, the acquisition and the „why“ = to be recommended. “

» Detlef Mollath, Jurist

„Invites you to “work on it“. Motivational, inspiring. Thanks!“

» Hans Joachim Leptig, LeptigFinanz

„Thank you very much for an inspiring talk at our international team event. With a witty introduction, you very quickly established a connection to our participants and energized and motivated the entire team. The real-life examples are laying an excellent foundation for our workshops. We were very impressed by your inspirational talk, how you conveyed the content, and how you kept us in suspense right up to the end. A heartfelt thanks for that.“

» Kerstin Gilbert – Director International Sales, Robinson Club

„Entertaining, informative, and suitable for the target group. I liked how she used examples from her own life. „You just need to do it“ – that was also very well perceived. “

» Johann Wiesböck, Chefredakteur Elektronikpraxis

„Refreshing, enlightening, and making you chuckle. She captured the audience with her presentation style. I thought that was excellent. I am very thrilled.“

» Ralf Brüning, Produktmanager Zuken GmbH, EMC Technology Center

„Dedicated, impressive, very convincing. I very much liked how she addressed the topic. She did that in a very competent style.“

» Dr. Stephan Weyhe, Geschäftsführer des FED e.V.

„With her stage presence, Katja Porsch immediately manages to attract the full attention of all participants.
It is really great to see how this topic can be presented to the target group in a motivating, entertaining and amusing way
trough metaphors from everyday life.“

» Alexander Boneberger – Red Bull

„Emotional, practical and logically completely coherent. A highly appealing and authentic session. “

» Hubertus Schmidt, Gesellschafter und GF Finanzportal24 GmbH

„Exciting and helpful.“

» Clemens Kreyenberg, GF Kreyenberg GmbH

„Exciting and helpful.“

» Clemens Kreyenberg, GF Kreyenberg GmbH

„Why Katja Porsch? Enthusiasm, Courageous, DOER, Authentic, Appreciative, Engaging, Practically Relevant.

Katja, a rocket of sparking enthusiasm, is immediately highly infectious! She has an incredible stage presence, and within seconds she manages to get your full attention. With her open-minded, honest, and lively illustrations, she gives you the courage to tackle your issues instantly. She clearly demonstrates what identifies a brave DOER and that everyone can do it.

This lady does no Sales-Chaka but instead has worked hard for her achievements, and her setbacks and experiences have helped her to become better and better.

Few speakers immediately mesmerize and inspire people – this is the Champion-League.“

» Thomas Peter, Reiner SCT


Since we have non-disclosure agreements with some customers, we can only present you with a small selection of Katja Porsch’s extensive reference list.